Tuesday, November 5, 2019

My Life in the Cublicle - The Temporary Job that Has Lasted 2.5 Years!

How did I end up here?  That is a good question... I guess the answer begins with, I could not decide what I wanted to be when I grew up.  I know this is a problem faced by many individuals -- I tried college, but was more successful in discovering what I did not want to do rather than what was my true calling.  Much to the dismay of my parents, I filled some time with temporary work and actually liked the idea of changing scenery every week or so. There was no attachment, no commitment; I was like tumbleweed, I would roll into an office and roll back out before anyone really knew me.  That all changed 2 1/2 years ago.  It has been such a strange experience - sometimes it's difficult for me to even believe these things really occurred!

My placement agent called and said they had a great position for me that would last approximately four weeks.  Now keep in mind this is a longer gig than I usually agreed to, but I was saving up for a great vacation and thought that four weeks of steady pay would help me reach my ultimate goal - sand between my toes and sun on my shoulders (easily, my favorite thing)

I learned the job was at a manufacturing firm (I didn't even ask what they manufactured), situated in an "industrial park".  As I drove to the assignment, I was excited to see what this four weeks would hold and I was already figuring out what I was going to pack for my vacation.  As I came upon a guard shack, I was told I needed clearance to gain access and they had not been made aware of my arrival.  This should have been my first clue as to what was waiting for me, but as you can now imagine,  I didn't listen to that inner voice.....

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