Saturday, October 31, 2020

I Am Not as Young As I Used to Be - Recovery Takes Longer!


Good morning...or should I say good afternoon Nutties.  Yesterday, I met some friends after work for cocktails and snacks.  It was my full intention to be home by eight and post my recap of yesterday's Nuthouse news.  Well, you know what they say about good intentions!  I stayed out waaayyy past eight and ended up crashing on a friend's couch because I was unfit for driving.  It's been a while since I indulged like that...I must have needed to relax a bit, but I have to admit, I'm not loving my choices right now.  Don't get me wrong, we had a great time, everyone was able to catch up and I was even able to entertain the troops with a few stories from the Nuthouse, but recovery is not as easy as it was when I was a younger man!

Having said that, let me get an industrial sized coffee and catch you up on what I had planned on reporting last night when I was supposed to be home early (and sober).  Friday morning started out like all our other mornings this week.  Our hop-a-long leader arrived a couple of minutes later than usual and still had all his gear in tow.  I swear, I NEED to see what the hell is in that messenger bag and backpack, they are like a thousand pounds each!  We were also graced by the presence of our contractor.  By the end of the day, we had a hole in the conference room, providing direct access to the warehouse!  He says he will be back to finish framing it in and hanging the actual door next week.  For those of you wondering, The Boss didn't spend near the amount of time with the contactor that he had previously in the week (which is why we actually have the door hole cut out).  I think The Boss is finally getting the hint - if he spends a great deal of time with this man, he will leave and not return for a day or so.  So, if The Boss wants work to be accomplished; he must leave the contactor alone.  Hey, I bet that theory would work in The Nuthouse too....a guy can wish, right?

As the day progressed, The Boss continued in his attempts to move around the office - but this day, he decided he should mix it up a bit and try to accomplish movement without being bogged down with those pesky crutches.  I swear, he looked like a newborn baby giraffe trying to get around without his crutches.  Now that I think about it, I don't know which was more dangerous - him with or without crutches.  All of the moving around seemed to exhaust him more today than usual and by lunchtime, he was much more stationary than previous days.  It was nice not to watch him almost fall, catch himself and then oooh and aahhh about it all day.  I just wish he would stay in his office more often.  A guy can wish, right?

I have a feeling next week he may lose the ace bandage accessory he has been sporting for the week. I think he is getting tired of trying to get around and still play off that he is extreme pain.  It is becoming reminiscent of the time he hurt his foot and then "forgot" it was injured (click here for recap).  We will see what next week brings; either way, I'm sure it will be entertaining!

Around 4 PM I received a text from my friend asking if I wanted to meet after work for drinks and snacks.  We haven't all gotten together in a while and it sounds like fun.  He assured me that it would only be a few hours, as he had something he needed to do first thing Saturday morning (we all know now how that turned out).  

Needless to say, I am moving a bit slower than a normal Saturday.  I think that I am going to relax on the couch with my two favorite furry boys and I promised myself I will not be doing that crazy stuff again for a while.  I am also going to make sure my lights are out tonight so I don't get any trick or treaters....the last thing I want to hear right now is that doorbell!

Happy Halloween Nutties; stay safe and don't eat too much candy.  See you on Monday!

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