Monday, November 2, 2020

It's Monday and We Changed The Clocks!


Welcome to another Monday Nutties!  Not only is today Monday, but on Saturday evening we had to turn the clocks back one hour.  Now we have the luxury of not only waking up, but also driving home in the dark... I really love fall on the east coast (insert sarcasm here)!  As you might know, my weekend started off with one doozy of a hangover (click here for recap).  As I entitled the blog post - I'm not as young as I used to be and recovery does not come easy as it once did.  Most of my Saturday was spent watching Netflix and napping with my two furry footed boys.  On Sunday, I felt more human than Saturday and decided that football and a big pot of chili was the plan for the day.  I really accomplished very little the past two days!

As you can imagine, I was not looking forward to my arrival this morning to The Nuthouse.  Although, it was my own fault, it didn't really feel like my weekend was long enough.  It also felt like I had not been away long enough to have built up my callous to The Boss.  Now, let me explain - I consider weekends important aspects of my continued good mental health from working here.  Two days away from The Nuthouse allows me to build up some distance between sanity and insanity.  I like to call it my callous; each weekend, the callous grows a bit and makes it a little easier to deal with the insanity when I come back on Monday. You know, the insanity isn't so close to the nerve, so it is a little easier to deal with?  I don't's what gets me through the craziness.

The Boss continues to attempt movement without his crutches.  If I am being honest, he is getting a bit better at maneuvering around the facility.  He wore the ace bandage today, but I really don't think he will have it for too much longer.  I have noticed he is staying clear of the warehouse, which is actually a smart thing considering he is still not too sure footed these days.  The contractor was also here today to finish framing in the new door that was cut last week.  Again, The Boss stayed away, so work was accomplished.  The framing is done and the door was hung; now we just need hardware and we should be good to go.

By the time 4 PM rolled around, I was more than ready to call it a day.  I asked The Boss if he would mind if I ducked out a bit early since I had an errand to run before close of business.  Of course, he didn't mind, and I was free as a bird by 4:05 PM and on my way back home.  My plan for the evening consists of eating the chili that I have left over, watching Monday night football and changing the battery in my smoke detector.  Now, some of you may remember the fiasco with my smoke detector (click here for recap), after that nightmare, I made a pact with myself to change the battery every time we adjust the clock.  The last thing I need to hear is that damn thing beeping again in the middle of the night.

So, remember Nutties - change your smoke detector batteries and don't forget tomorrow is election day - get out there and vote!

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