Monday, April 27, 2020

We Now Have Internet (and Telephone)!

Today I spent the day at the Hobbes Street building.  I was on site for the installation of the internet and telephone lines.  The installers were nice and very cognizant of making sure they had the proper virus protection equipment.  Everyone wore a mask, gloves and little booties for their feet.  By 3 PM we were telephone and internet live!

In the meantime, I did speak with my parents while the installation staff was there and they are both doing well and everyone is healthy. My Dad is busy watching westerns and driving my Mom crazy. My Mom shared more of her conspiracy theories with me (lucky me).  She shared that she feels COVID-19 is via the government to aide in the extermination (my word, not hers) of the elderly.  She says there are too many old people and it's costing the government too much money.  She also mentioned something about the chem-trails, but honestly, I had tuned her out by then.  Old people are CRAZY!

After everyone left, I spent the next hour or so, organizing my area, hooking everyone's computer to the server and making sure we were ready to go once we were all there.  It looks like the warehouse needs a bit more work in getting everything placed and I discussed it with The Boss.  He will be contacting the warehouse staff to see if they will come in and put the final touches on their area.

The Boss said he was going to stop in after the installation was done (less people interaction) and make sure everything is working properly.  I guess I cannot be trusted to ascertain if there is internet available or a working dial tone.  I hadn't seen him by the time I left at 4:30 PM.

All in all, I was happy with my accomplishments for the day and headed for home.  I had to stop at the grocery store and big surprise, no toilet paper.  Luckily, I had lifted some from the office, so it really didn't matter.  Yes, there is still toilet paper available at the office - I told you The Boss likes his TP!  I picked up a rotisserie chicken and some stuff for a salad - dinner is served.  I was very popular with Cooper and Milo when I smelled of chicken upon my arrival.

For those keeping track, tomorrow is Tuesday.  Have a great night!

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