Thursday, March 19, 2020

It Was Inevitable, We Will Be Working From Home

We knew it was going to happen, we just were not sure when the trigger would be pulled.  It is official, starting on Monday the office staff will all be working from home.  The Boss called this morning and asked for everyone to gather around the speaker phone for a staff meeting.  He said it would be best for everyone involved if we were to work remotely through April 10th.  On April 10, he would reassess and see if it needed to be extended to a later date.

Orders have slowed down considerably, so the warehouse staff has been filling the few orders we have and working on loading the trailer for the move.  The phones really haven't been ringing (except for calls from The Boss, who is still practicing extreme social distancing).  The Boss thanked everyone for their assistance on the move, but it looks like that will be pushed back a bit.  He assured us all that our jobs are safe and the company is not going anywhere.  He will continue to pay everyone and continue our health  insurance, so we do not have anything to worry about.  Once this craziness is past us, we will pick up where we left off and continue fulfilling customers orders and making money. 

Everyone will come in tomorrow, warehouse staff will get all remaining orders out the door and office staff will gather up the necessary materials/files for working remotely.  Once these things have been accomplished we will close and go home for the day.  Everyone seems fairly calm and they feel  like it's a good plan.  Although I am not in the age bracket where I am worried about contracting anything, I am alarmed at the lack of supplies in the stores and just how crazy some people are becoming.  I will be happy to be working from home with my dog.  Just think, without being in such close proximity to The Boss, you all might be able to get a peek into my life for a change!

On another note, my friends and I haven't had a happy hour date in FOREVER, so we have decided to have a "virtual happy hour" tomorrow after work.  This way we can all "get together" and still be safe.  Oh, the stories I have for them!  I guess I should stop at the liquor store on my way home tonight or tomorrow to pick up supplies!

Stay safe and we'll talk soon!

PS - Wash your hands you dirty little monkeys!

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