Thursday, March 26, 2020

We Used Zoom Today!

As I'm sure everyone by now knows, Zoom is a video conferencing app which has become extremely popular during this time of quarantine.  We decided yesterday we would do a video conference (rather than just audio), so we could actually see everyone.   I told them how much fun my friends and I had using it during our "virtual happy hour" on Friday.  Everyone thought it would be fun - almost like we were all together.

At approximately 10 AM we all got together and it was so nice and weird to see everyone.  Many of my coworkers have chosen not to shave during their quarantine, so many looked a bit lumberjack-ish.  Some pulled it off better than others.  The Boss showed a bit of his humorous side today and came to his screen with his respirator on and we all got a really big laugh.  Having some distance from him has shown me not only is he generous (remember, this man is still paying us all) and he does have a sense of humor.

We all caught up on the business aspect of our lives.  The salespeople are having just as difficult of a time as I am at reaching anyone.  Our work world seems to have been put on hold for a while.  The Boss removed his respirator and reminded us all that this too will blow over and we will be back to work before we know it.  He also told us that our new targeted move in date to the Hobbes Street property is May 1. I think we are all looking forward to getting back and going to a new place will be nice.

Once we got all the work talk out of the way, we actually spent the next hour or so just catching up with each other.  Everyone inquired about families, children and how people were handling being quarantined with not only their children, but also their spouse.  Some had some very funny stories and many are comically concerned because their TP supply is running low.  The Boss (who loves to buy TP...remember), told everyone not to worry about the supply of TP, he can help anyone out who needs it (I know he was being serious, and I don't think he was trying to be funny, but I laughed out loud.  I could almost see him, in full hazmat gear, delivering rolls of TP to the front stoops of his employees).

After we all caught up, we decided that we need to video conference at least once a week!  We all realized that we actually missed each other.  If anything good comes of this weird time, I think people might actually begin to appreciate each other more.  We signed off and I know I felt a little better and not as weird being at home today - I hope everyone else did too.

Now, for the most important part of my day (at least according to Cooper) - time for walk!

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