Friday, March 13, 2020

Preparing for the Apocalypse

Today, we had a staff meeting on the covid-19 virus or coronavirus as it is also called in the news.  The Boss is very concerned because cases of individuals with the virus jump exponentially every time you listen to a report.  Schools are being closed and many shelves of the grocery stores are near empty. 

First shoppers started hoarding toilet paper - I'm not sure of the theory behind this, since it is a respiratory illness, but T.P was the popular and in demand item.  Now, the hoarding has progressed, you cannot get cleaning supplies, pasta, soups, etc.  Bread and milk, which are the usual things that run out if we get a large amount of rain or snow here in the Northeast are fully stocked.  I just cannot figure people out.  My friend brought up a good point yesterday when he said is there now any wonder why the government would never tell us if aliens were real - - look how we are reacting a virus!  We definitely could never handle news that little green men with big eyes are real!

Sorry for the rant - back to the meeting today.  Everyone was called and gathered in the middle area of the office and when The Boss joined us, it was painfully obvious that he was adhering to the "social distancing" they have been discussing on TV.  He spoke to us from inside the doorway of his office!  He went over the symptoms and what we should do if we are not feeling well (go the hell home).  He also discussed the incubation period.  He really must of studied up on the topic last night, because he sounded like a contributor on the Today Show.

He indicated that we would not be closing the office, but he would be working from home for a few days (I guess it will be time to start up the phone call pool again).  He is also going to have a cleaning person come into the office over the weekend to give it a "good once over".  He indicated he will be keeping an eye on television and newspapers reports and reminded us that our policies could change as more information comes in.

As a whole, I do not believe anyone here is too worried about getting sick.  Everyone is fairly young, healthy and do not have people at home with compromised immune systems.  I think the best thing we took away from this meeting was we are all going to get a bit of a break from The Boss!  I find that information a great way to end a Friday the 13th!

Stay safe Nutties and pick up that T.P if you see it in the stores!

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